"Here Techical university, here Techical university!"
This voice that trembles in the  air,

it doesnt send you a message mother,
this wasnt the  voice of your son,
 there were thousands voices of the people of your country.


 On Monday , November  17th,2003 in the Intellectual Centre of our Municipality
 our school  had a modest celebration to  honour  the people who died on November 17th, 1974 in Techicaluniversity.


Περιγραφή: C:\Users\digen\Pictures\polit1.jpg

Περιγραφή: C:\Users\digen\Pictures\polit2.jpg

Περιγραφή: C:\Users\digen\Pictures\polit3.jpg


If you want to be considered a human being

 You may die fighting for the right to live.

You must have the willing to offer your life one morning.

If you want to be considered a human being

You must find the courage to stand in front of the rifles.




Περιγραφή: C:\Users\digen\Pictures\polit4.jpg

Περιγραφή: C:\Users\digen\Pictures\polit5.jpg

Freedom lives in our spirit

It cant be imprisoned.

The ideas dont rot behind the bars

The eagle cant live in the captivity

It always lives in freedom

Thus it is given birth thus it dies




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